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samegame is a simple linux puzzle game.

* vectors gfx, scales on any screens
* 65536 boards
* looks like it's made in the 80s
* also playable with keyboard
* each board highscore is kept
* gfx as flat as the screen

made with C opengl glfw3.

samegame-1.11_i386.deb (38k)
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goal is removing groups having the same colors.
+1000 score if clearing the board.

left value: board number
middle value: score
right value: selection score / board highscore, with a + if it was cleared

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cli options

samegame [--board int][--same|--next|--any] [--posx int][--posy int][--width int][--height int][--fullscreen|-f] [--help][--version]
--board board number

board done mode:
if a board is done, next board will be:
--same same board
--next next board
--any any board

--help help
--posx window position x.
--posy window position y.
--width window width.
--height window height.
--fullscreen full screen.
-f full screen.

--help help

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ingame options

F1, H: help as cli printout
RETURN: samegame
R: anygame
PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN: change board
W, A, S, D: move cursor
F11, F: fullscreen
PRINTSCREEN, P: dump board in terminal
ESC, Q: exit

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samegame is storing some states in a few files in /home/username/.config/samegame/
setting values with command line options is bypassing those files.
samegame can run without those files, if filesystem cannot be written.
one wanting saving high-scores would allow the directory being written.

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samegame 1.11
* added gfx smoothing
* last board score +highscore fixed
* distinct game and window states keeping files
* --fullscreen or -f cli option

samegame 1.07
* fixes

samegame 1.06
* added icons
* next / any /same board mode
* keep if fullscreen bit while keeping window pos&size
* 2 highscores, also cleared highscore saved
* fixes

samegame 1.05
* random boards with R
* window size & position kept
* fixes

samegame 1.03
* more boards, now 65535
* if board cleared kept along with highscores
* fixes

samegame 1.02
* highscores kept
* fixes




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