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filetypes configuration


Edit Type window has three parts Actions, Commands and Tests
it will matter identifying if the file is a matching filetype with Tests, then running a Command on it, or running the file itself as a Command.

Tests [red on attached image] tabs are: Pattern, File content, Libmagic and Extended test
those tabs are to configure tests run on the file so as to identify its type.
-tab Pattern is a test on the filename, typically would be used to match filenames having specific extensions. example *.exe
-tab File content will check if specific bytes are found within the file.
-tab Libmagic will use libmagic to find the filetype. it's the lib used with the linux program "file"
-tab Extended test has multiple other tests options, including using the result of a system program.
-tab Colors is to change the way the file is displayed
-tab Priority is to orded the detection in case multiple filetypes are matching the same file.

Commands [yellow on attached image]
these are the same than buttons commands.

Actions [top of window]
actions are letting one configure multiple alternate command on the same filetype.
on each action, another command can be entered.
those actions will be displayed in the popup context menu while on top of the detected file.
defaults actions are DnD DoubleClick Show etc...
there could be added many others as Edit, Check Lint, ....





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